・Date of Birth 13 January 1955
・Nationality Japan
・Current Position Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo
・Sustainable Transport Strategy, Urban Transport Planning, Travel Behavior Analysis
・B.E. Department of Architecture, Nagoya University, 1973-1977
・M.E. Department of Urban Engineering, University of Tokyo, 1977-1979
・D.E. Department of Urban Engineering, University of Tokyo, 1977-1983
・1983-1984 Post-Doctorial Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
・1984-1985 Research Fellow, City Planning Division, the Institute of Behavioral Science (IBS)
・1985-1991 Instructor, Department of Urban Engineering, University of Tokyo
・1992-1999 Associate Professor, Department of Urban Engineering, University of Tokyo
・1994-1995 A Swire-Cathay Pacific Fellow in St Antony’s College, Oxford
・1999-2005 Professor, Institute of Environmental Studies, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo
・2005-date Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo
・2012-2014 Dean, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo
・2014-2015 Vice President, Director General of Division of University Corporate Relations,
University of Tokyo
・2014 Annual Best Paper Prize of City Planning Institute of Japan (CPIJ) (with Fujigaki, Y. et al.)
・2004 Paper Prize on Global Environmental Issues (with Furutani, T. and Maruyama, T.)
・2000 Research encouragement prize. The 19th Annual Research Conference, Japan Society of Traffic Engineering (with Ohmori, N.)
・1999 Research encouragement prize, The 18th Annual Research Conference, JSTE (with Ohmori, N.)
・1985 Incentive Prize, Japan Society of Civil Engineering
・1984 Incentive Prize, CPIJ (with Ohta, K.)
1) Governments
・2010-date Advisory Committee on Infrastructure Planning, MLIT
・2010-date Advisory Committee on Transport Policy, MLIT
・2010-date Advisory Committee on National Land Policy, MLIT
2) Academic Society
・2000-date Director, The Japan Research Center for Transport Policy
・2004-date Director, Japan Society of Traffic Engineering (JSTE)
・2005-2009 Director, CPIJ
・2010-date Board Member, Toyota Transport Research Institute
3) Lecturer
・1995-2012 “Urban Transport Planning”, Graduate School of Commerce, Waseda University
・2006-2012 “Regional Development Engineering”, Graduate School of Urban Environmental Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University
- Troncoso Parady, G., Chikaraishi, M., Takami, K., Ohmori, N. and Harata, N. (2015) : On the effect of the built environment and preferences on non-work travel: Evidence from Japan, European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, Vol.15, No.1, pp.51-65.
- Troncoso Parady, G., Takami, K. and Harata, N. (2014) : The Built Environment-Travel Behavior Connection: A Propensity Score Approach under a Continuous Treatment Regime, Transportation Research Record, in press.
- Jana, A., Harata, N., Takami, K. and Ohmori, N. (2014) : Exploring the role of social interactions and supports in overcoming accessibility barriers while undertaking health tours in India, Social Work in Public Health, Vol.29, Issue 4, pp.350-367.
- Troncoso Parady, G., Chikaraishi, M., Takami, K. and Harata, N. (2014) : A Panel Data Approach to Understanding the Effect of the Built Environment on Travel Behavior – A Case Study of the Kashiwanoha Area, Chiba, Japan -, Urban and Regional Planning Review, Vol.1, pp.18-38.
- Chen, B., Takami, K., Ohmori, N. and Harata, N. (2013) : Household Car and Motorcycle Ownership and Transaction Behavior through a Life-Course Approach – a Case in Taipei City, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.10, pp.567-585.
- Seo, S.-E., N. Ohmori and N. Harata (2013) Effects of Household Structure and Accessibility on Travel, Transportation, Vol.40, Issue 4, pp.847-865.
- Jana, A., and Harata, N., 2012, “The need and role of companions in outpatient health trips in India: Altruism and activity support”, Indian Journal of Positive Psychology, Volume – 3 (2012), Issue – 4, pp- 345-352. (ISSN 2229-4937)
- Omatsu, T., N. Ohmori, K. Okamura, S. Matsumoto, Y. Kumagai and Harata; Evaluation of a Safety System Using ITS Technologies for Streetcar Stops without Safety Barriers, International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research, Vol.9, No.3., 2011.05.06(Published online)
- Mosa, A., Harata and N. Ohmori; Simultaneous Model for Household Interactions in Daily Activity, Information and Communication, and Social Behavior, Transportation Research Record 2135, pp.138-150, 2009.
- Ohmori, N. and Harata, How Different Are Activities while Commuting by Train? ; A Case in Tokyo, Journal of Economic and Social Geography (TESG), Vol.99, No.5, pp.547-561,2008.
- Nobuaki OHMORI, Takayuki HIRANO and Noboru HARATA (2006) Meeting Appointment and Waiting Behavior with Mobile Communications, Transportation Research Record 1977, pp.250-257.
- Takuya MARUYAMA and Noboru HARATA (2006) Difference Between Area-Based and Cordon-Based Congestion Pricing: Investigation by Trip-Chain-Based Network Equilibrium Model with Nonadditive Path Costs, Transportation Research Record 1964, pp.1-8.
- Maruyama, T. and Harata, N.: Incorporating trip chaining behavior in network equilibrium analysis, Transportation Research Record, No. 1921, pp. 11-18, 2005.
- Harata, Toward Effective TDM through Partnership in Japan, 1998、IATSS Research, 22-31
- Harata, How can we make car-dependent adults manage their car usage?, 1994, IATSS Research, 22-30
- Bao-Wen CHEN, Kiyoshi TAKAMI, Nobuaki OHMORI and Noboru HARATA Household Car and Motorcycle Ownership and Transaction Behavior through a Life-Course Approach – a Case in Taipei City Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.9, EASTS_ISC_D_13-00444 in Taipei, Taiwan on 9-12 September, 2013
- Giancarlos TRONCOSO Parady, Makoto CHIKARAISHI, Kiyoshi TAKAMI and Noboru HARATA A Panel Data Approach to Understanding the Effect of the Built Environment on Travel Behavior – A Case Study of the Kashiwanoha Area, Chiba, Japan – Proceedings on the 20th International Symposium on City Planning in Sendai, Japan on 22-24 August 2013
- Giancarlos TRONCOSO Parady, Makoto CHIKARAISHI, Kiyoshi TAKAMI, Nobuaki OHMORI and Noboru HARATA Regarding the effect of the built environment and individual preferences on travel behavior: A case study of the Kanto Region, Japan Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Transport Research, No.3020 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on 15-18 July 2013
- Seo, S.-E., N. Ohmori and N. Harata, Effects of Household Structure and Accessibility on Travel, Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 13-1873., 2013.1
- Seo, S.-E., N. Ohmori and N. Harata, Effects of Household Structure on Elderly Grocery Shopping Behavior in Korea, Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 13-2406, 2013.1
- Jana, A., N. Ohmori and N. Harata, Choice Based on Accessibility & Social Determinants-A Case of Elderly Healthcare Decision and Health Trips in India, Proceedings of TRANSED 2012, 2012.9
- Ariga, T., S. Aono, N. Ohmori and N. Harata, Activity Management Using “Activity Rescheduler with Interactive Generation of Alternative Travel Opportunities”, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, 2012.7
- Giancarlos TRONCOSO Parady, Kiyoshi TAKAMI, Nobuaki OHMORI and Noboru HARATA, “The Politics of Urban Transportation in the City of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic”, Proceedings of the 10th Conference of Asian City Planning, pp.10-16,2012.6
- Arnab JANA, Kiyoshi TAKAMI, Nobuaki OHMORI and Noboru HARATA, “Evaluation of accessibility to Primary Health Centers in rural areas of developing countries – Case study: West Bengal, India”, Proceedings of the 10th Conference of Asian City Planning, pp.79-86,2012.6
- Parady, G.T., Ohmori, N., Harata, N. (2012) Public space usership: Does the built environment matter? A case study of the historical center of Santo Domingo. Presented at the 49th International Making Cities Livable Conference, Portland Oregon. May 21 2012
- Sadayasu Aono and Noboru Harata, For a “Sustainable Commuting”: The Communication Efforts to Encourage Sustainable Travel Behavior and Residential Choice for the Freshmen of the University Campus, Proc. of the 11th International Congress of APSA, 2011.8
- Qian Huang and Noboru Harata, Study on the Impact of Transport Infrastructure on China’s Economic Development, of the 11th International Congress of APSA, 2011.8
- Seo, S.-E., N. Ohmori and N. Harata, Effects of Household Structure and Mobility Changes on Going-Out Behavior of the Elderly in Korea, 90th TRB Annual Meeting, 2011.1.
- Ohmori, N., S. Aono and N. Harata (2009) Why Are You Commuting Such a Long Distance? A Case of Bullet Train Commuters in Tokyo, IATBR-Jaipur, 2009.12.
- Mosa, A., N. Ohmori and N. Harata (2010), Exploring the Impacts of In-Home Virtual Activities on Daily Activity and Travel Behavior: An Analysis Using Cairo Activity and Telecommunication Diary Data 2006, WCTR2010, Lisbon.
- Mosa, A., N. Harata and N. Ohmori (2010) An Evolutionary Model for Household Interactions in Daily Activity Scheduling, WCTR2010, Lisbon.
- Dirgahayani, P., N. Harata and N. Ohmori (2010) Evaluation of Intermodality Improvement in Increasing the Attractiveness of BRT System in Jakarta, Indonesia, WCTR2010, Lisbon.
- Dirgahayani, P., N. Harata and N. Ohmori, Identifying the Impact of Intermodality on Commute Mode Choice Using a Web-based Stated Preference Survey Instrument, CUPUM2009, 2009..
- Mosa, A., N. Harata and N. Ohmori: Simultaneous Model for Household Interactions in Daily In-Home and Out-of-Home Physical and Virtual Activity Participation, ICT Use, and Social Behavior, 88th TRB Annual Meeting CD-ROM, 2009.1
- Ahmed MOSA, Noboru Harata, Nobuaki Ohmori, On Modeling Individuals’ Out-of-Home Joint with Family Recreational Activity Attitudes, The 10th International Summer Symposium (JSCE), 2008.09
- Ahmed MOSA, Noboru Harata, Nobuaki Ohmori, An Agent-Based Household Daily Activity Scheduling Model with a Household Kernel Agent DASHA: Conceptualization and Model Architecture, The 10th International Summer Symposium (JSCE), 2008.09
- Puspita, Dirgahayani, Noboru Harata, Nobuaki Ohmori, The Development of an Internet-based survey instrument for investigating the impact of intermodality on commute mode choice, The 10th International Summer Symposium (JSCE), 2008.09
- Mosa, A ., N. Harata N. OhmorA Prototype Activity Based Scheduling Model with a Household Kernel Agent DASHA: Cairo a Case Study, Proceedings of ICTTS, 2008.08
- Ohmori, N., T. Omatsu, S. Matsumoto, K. Okamura and N. Harata, Passengers’ Waiting Behavior at Bus and Tram Stops, Proceedings of ICTTS, 2008.08
- Aono, S., Takahashi, Y. Seto, N. Ohmori and N. Harata (2007) Development and Application of a Web Based Activity-Travel Simulator for Travel Feedback Program, Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management, CD-ROM.
- Izumiyama, H., N. Ohmori and N. Harata (2007) Space-Time Accessibility Measures for Evaluating Mobility-Related Social Exclusion of the Elderly, Proceedings of TRANSED2007, CD-ROM.
- Noboru HARATA, Sadayasu AONO, Evaluation of Car Control Measures based on Internet- based Travel Survey System, G.M. Morrison and S. Rauch (eds.), Highway and Urban Environment: Proceedings of the 8th Highway and Environment Symposium, 91-101, 2007, Springer
- Nobuaki OHMORI, Morimichi NAKAZATO, Noboru HARATA, Kuniaki SASAKI and Kazuo NISHII (2006) Activity Diary Surveys Using GPS Mobile Phones and PDA, the 85th TRB Annual Meeting CD-ROM, 06-3039.
- Morimichi NAKAZATO, Nobuaki OHMORI, Sadayasu AONO, Takuya MARUYAMA and Noboru HARATA (2006) Internet GIS-Based Activity-Travel Simulator for Investigating Alternative Activity-Travel Patterns, presented at the 11th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Kyoto, August 2006.
- Ahmed Mosa, Noboru HARATA and Ali Heika, Approach to Assess the Social Exclusion Dimensions and Equity Impacts in the Community, Proceedings of ICTTS2006, pp.176-187, Xi’an, China, August, 2006.
- Puspita DIRGAHAYANI, Noboru HARATA, Reforming Bus Service Provision and Manahgement Regime in Jakarta, Indonesia, Proceedings of ICTTS2006, pp.236-245, Xi’an, China, August, 2006.
- Pengpeng Jiao, Huapu Lu, Noboru Harata. Revised estimation of time-varying network origin-destination flows. Proceedings of ICTTS 2006, pp.496-508, Xi’an, China, August, 2006
- Takahiro Uchiyama, Takuya MARUYAMA, Noboru HARATA, Validating the Influence of Induced Traffic Using the Combined Travel Model and Person Trip Data, Proceedings of ICTTS 2006, pp.625-634, Xi’an, China, August, 2006
- Khan Rubayet RAHAMAN, Nobuaki OHMORI and Noboru HARATA (2006) Evaluating Pedestrian’s Choice of Some Specific Facilities in Dhaka City, Proceedings of ICTTS2006, pp.730-738, Xi’an, China, August, 2006.
- Morimichi NAKAZATO, Nobuaki OHMORI, Sadayasu AONO, Takuya MARUYAMA and Noboru HARATA (2006) Development of a Web GIS-Based Activity-Travel Simulator for Travel Feedback Program, Proceedings of ICTTS2006, pp.920-928, Xi’an, China, August, 2006.
- Sadayasu AONO, Nobuaki OHMORI and Noboru HARATA (2006) Development of a Web-GIS Simulator for Holiday Non Work Activities, Proceedings of ICTTS2006, pp.959-967, Xi’an, China, August, 2006.
- Pengpeng Jiao, Noboru Harata. Residential location choice behavior for different households: methodology and case study in Dalian, China. Preprint CD-ROM of the 86th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., U.S.A., January, 2007
- Pengpeng Jiao, Huapu Lu, Noboru Harata. Revised approaches for estimation of time-varying origin-destination flows in freeway corridors. Applications of Advanced Technology in Transportation Proceedings of AATT 2006, ASCE, Chicago, U.S.A., 548-553, August, 2006
- Maruyama, T. and Harata, N.: Difference between area-based and cordon-based congestion pricing Investigation by trip-chain-based network equilibrium model with non-additive path costs, presented at Transportation Research Board 85th Annual Meeting,#06-0476,2006.1
- Nobuaki OHMORI, Takayuki HIRANO and Noboru HARATA (2006) Meeting Appointment and Waiting Behavior with Mobile Communications, Transportation Research Board 85th Annual Meeting,#06-2566,2006.1
- Nobuaki OHMORI, Morimichi NAKAZATO, Noboru HARATA, Kuniaki SASAKI and Kazuo NISHII (2006) Activity Diary Surveys Using GPS Mobile Phones and PDA, Transportation Research Board 85th Annual Meeting,#06-3039,2006.1
- Maruyama, T. and Harata, N.: Optimal job-housing location pattern in several Japanese cities: Considering modal split and congestion in network, Proceedings of International Symposium on City Planning 2005, pp. 159-171, 2005. 10.
- Nobuaki OHMORI, Morimichi NAKAZATO and Noboru HARATA (2005) , GPS Mobile Phone-Based Activity Diary Survey, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.6, CD-ROM.
- Khan Rubayet RAHAMAN, Nobuaki OHMORI and Noboru HARATA (2005), Evaluation of the Roadside Walkway Environment of Dhaka City, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.6, CD-ROM.
- Nobuaki OHMORI, Noboru HARATA and Katsutoshi OHTA (2005), Two Applications of GIS-Based Activity-Travel Simulators, Timmermans H. (ed.), Progress in Activity-Based Analysis, pp.415-435, Elsevier, Oxford.
- Noboru HARATA(2005), Consistency of traffic simulation and travel behavior choice theory, Kitamura R and Kuwahara M (ed.), Simulation Approaches in Transportation Analysis, pp.325-339,Springer.
- Maruyama, T. and Harata, N.: Incorporating trip chaining behavior in network equilibrium analysis, Transportation Research Board 84th Annual Meeting, CD-ROM, #05-1085, 2005.1.
- Sadayasu Aono, Nobuaki Ohmori and Noboru Harata (2004) Development of an Internet-Based Travel Survey System, Proceedings of the International Symposium on City Planning 2004, pp.41-50.
- Pradono, Nobuaki Ohmori and Noboru Harata (2004) Incorporating Risks in the Conditions for PFI in Toll Road Projects: Indonesia Case, Proceedings of the International Symposium on City Planning 2004, pp.71-80.
- Nobuaki Ohmori, Takayuki HIRANO, Noboru Harata and Katsutoshi OHTA (2004) Passengers’ Waiting Behavior at Bus Stop, Traffic and Transportation Studies: Proceedings of ICTTS 2004, pp.157-164.
- Khan Rubayet Rahaman, Nobuaki Ohmori and Noboru Harata (2004) Research on Problems of Pedestrian Facilities in Dhaka City, Traffic and Transportation Studies: Proceedings of ICTTS 2004, pp.118-126.
- Pradono, Nobuaki Ohmori and Noboru Harata (2004) Towards Successful Conditions for PFI in Toll Road Projects: Indonesia Case, Traffic and Transportation Studies: Proceedings of ICTTS 2004, pp.43-52.
- Nobuaki Ohmori, Yasunori MUROMACHI, Noboru Harata and Katsutoshi OHTA:Simulation Model for Activity Planning (SMAP): GIS-based Gaming Simulation, Selected Proceedings from the 9th World Conference on Transport Research, CD-ROM, 2003.
- Nobuaki Ohmori, Noboru Harata and Katsutoshi OHTA, Development and Application of GIS-based System for Simulating Activity-Travel Patterns under Space-Time Constraints, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management, 2003.5, CD-ROM.
- Yasunori Muromachi, Noboru Harata, Katsutoshi Ohta: A Study On The Social Cost Of Illegal Behavior And Enforcement – The Case Of Bicycle Parking Behavior, Selected Proceedings of the 9th World Conference on Transport Research, CD-ROM, 2003.
- Kiyoshi Takami, Noboru Harata, Katsutoshi Ohta: A Study On Enhancement Of Neighborhood Centers For Reducing Car Use And Keeping Their Vitality: The Application Of Shopping Travel Behavior Model Considering Repeated Choices Of Destination, Selected Proceedings of the 9th World Conference on Transport Research, CD-ROM, 2003.
- Maruyama, T., Harata, N., and Ohta, K.: Estimation of user benefits of road investment considering induced traffic with combined network equilibrium model in Tokyo area, Proceedings of European Transport Conference 2002, CD-ROM(ATM-D-03), 2002.9.
- Maruyama, T., Harata, N., and Ohta, K.: An evaluation of road pricing policy considering both road and railway network congestion, Proceedings of International Symposium on Urban Planning 2002, 2002.8, A4-1-1.
- Furutani, N.Harata and K. Ohta, A study on commuting trip energy consumption reduction by job-housing reallocation in Tokyo Metropolitan Area, Proceedings of International Symposium on City Planning, 2002.8, B1-5-1-10.
- T. Furutani, Harata and K. Ohta, A Study on Mobility Gap of the Elderly Household in Tokyo Metropolitan Area, Traffic and Transport Studies, Proceedings of ICTTS, 2002, Vol. 3,(1),170-177
- Maruyama, N.Harata, and K.Ohta, An application of combined stochastic user equilibrium model to the Tokyo area: combined trip distribution, modal split and assignment model with explicitly distinct trip purposes, Traffic and Transportation Studies, Proceedings of ICTTS, 2002。Vol. 1, pp 746-753, 2002. 7..
- Ohmori, Y.MUROMACHI, N.Harata and K.OHTA, Analysis of Day-to-Day Variations of Travel Time Using GPS and GIS, Traffic and Transportation Studies, Proceedings of ICTTS 2002, 2002.7, 2, 1306-1313.
- Ohmori, Y.MUROMACHI, N.Harata and K.OHTA, Simulation Model for Activity Planning (SMAP): GIS-based Gaming Simulation, Selected Proceedings of the 9th World Conference on Transport Research, 2002.
- Furutani, Y.Muromachi, N.Harata and K.Ohta , Development of mode and destination choice model using micro-scale spatial information, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 2001, 3(2), 203-216.
- Furutani, Y.Muromachi, N.Harata and K.Ohta, Mobility for the Poor in Bangkok Metropolitan Area, Selected paper in the 54th UITP World Congress, 2001, CD-ROM.
- Maruyama, Y.Muromachi, N.Harata, and K.Ohta, The combined modal split/assignment model in the Tokyo metropolitan area, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 2001, 4(2), 293-304.
- Sasono, Y.Muromachi, N.Harata and K.Ohta, New Developments and Urban Mobility in Jakarta Area、Proc.ICTTS2000、2000, 480-487
- Furutani, Y.Muromachi, N.Harata and k.Ohta, A Study on Land Use-Transportation Integrated Model Based on Stochastic User Equilibrium、Proc.ICTTS2000、2000, 480-487
- Kullenberg, Y.Muromachi, N.Harata and K.Ohta, Data Collection on en route Behaviour Under ATIS、Proc.2000.ICTTS2000, 2000, 710-717、
- Pradono、Muromachi, N.Harata and K.Ohta, Private Involvement in Toll Road Project、Proc.ICTTS2000、2000, 789-796
- Ohmori, Y.Muromachi, N.Harata and K.Ohta, Travel Behavior Data Collected Using GPS and PHS、Proc.ICTTS2000、2000, 851-858
- Furutani, Y.Muromachi, N.Harata and K.Ohta, A study on travel demand forecast model with considering urban design – A modal share model-,Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies,1999, 3(5),333-346.
- Ohmori, K.Muromachi, N.Harata, and K.Ohta, A study on accessibility and going-out behavior of aged people considering daily activity pattern,Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies,1999, 3(5), 139-153
- Wicaksono, N.Harata, K.Ohta, Behavioral Analysis of Intercity Bus Terminal – A Case Study of Pobolinggo City in Indonesia, Proc. ICTTS’98, 1998, 556-565
- Jangwon, K.Ohata, N.Harata, A study on Time-Space Occupancy Exposure Volume Index for the Residential Streets, Proc.ICTTS’98, 1998, 623-632
- JIN, N. Harata, K. Ohta, Calculation of Social Cost of On-Street Parking in Residential Areas Based on Time Space Occupancy, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 1997, 627-636
- Hun-ki Lee, Harata, K. Ohta, Effects of the Difference of SP Experiments and Transportation Circumstance on Transferability of SP Based Choice Models, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 1997, 1113-1123
- JIN, N. Harata, K. Ohta, A Study on Operating Conditions and Calculation of Appropriate Fee of Residential Parking Program in Seoul, Proc. of Inernational Symposium on City Plaaning, 1997, 471-480
- Zhao, Y.Muromachi, N. Harata, K. Ohta, A SP Model for Route Choice Behavior in Response to Travel Time Information with Marginal Errors, Proc. of the 7th WCTR at Sydney 1995,Vol.1,1996,41-55
- Zhao, N.Harata, K.Ohta, Assessing Driver Benefits from Information Provision: A Logit Model Incorporating Perception Band of Travel Time Information, PTRC, 1996.9
- J.B. Alam, Y.Muromachi, N.Harata, K.Ohta, Stated Preference in Value of Time Study for Perishable Goods in Bangladesh, Proc. The Second World Congress on ITS, 1995.11,2082-2087
- Muromachi, N.Harata, K.Ohta, A Dynamic Analysis on Driver’s Response to the Parking Guidance and Information System, Proc. The Second World Congress on ITS, 1995.11,1825-1830
- Zhao, Y.Muromachi, N.Harata, K.Ohta, The Effects of Alternative Travel Time Information Presentation Strategy on Driver Behavior, Proc. The Second World Congress on ITS, 1995.11, 1888-1893
- Katsutoshi Ohta and Noboru Harata ,Properties of Aggregate Speed-Flow Relationship for Road Network ,Proc. the 5th World Conference on Transport Research, 1989.10, p.D451-D462
- Satoshi Suzuki, Noboru Harata and Katsutoshi Ohta , A Study on the Measurement Methods of the Value of Time, Proc. the 5th World Conference on Transport Research, 1989.10, p.A175-178
- Katsutoshi Ohta and Noboru Harata, Some Attempts Toward Improved Traffic Forecasting Procedures for Japanese Expressway, Proceedings of Seminar D, PTRC 16th Summer Annual Meeting, 1988.9,p.111-122
- Noboru Harata and Katsutoshi Ohta, Some Findings on the Application of Disaggregate Nested Logit Model to Railway Station and Access Mode Choice, Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Transport Research, 19861729-1740
- Ieda(eds.)(2010), Sustainable Urban Transport in an Asian Context, Springer (N.Harata, Travel Demand Mangemnet in Asian Context, pp337-343)
- Horita, H. Koizumi (eds.)(2009), Innovations in Collaborative Urban Regeneration, Springer (N.Harata, Fundamentals of “Transportation-Oriented Urban Planning”, pp.31-43)
- T. Kidokoro, N. Harata (eds.).(2008.3), Sustainable City Regions: Space, Place and Governance (cSUR-UT: Library for SUR 7), Springer、pp.334