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Recent journal articles 2004-Present [In English]

Luo, L., Parady, G., & Takami, K. (2024). Evaluating the impact of automated vehicles on residential location distribution using activity-based accessibility: A case study of Japanese regional areas. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 190, 104281. (Open access)

Luo L., Portugal-Pereira J., Takami, K., Parady, G. (2024): Unintended environmental impacts of private automated vehicles: Insights from Gunma Prefecture, Japan. Transportation Research Part D 134, 104298. (Open access)

Oyama, Y., Murakami, S., Chikaraishi, M., Parady G. (2024) Designing Pedestrian Zones within City Center Networks Considering Policy Objective Trade-offs. Transportation Research Part A 182, 104119

Parady, G., Oyama, Y. & Chikaraishi, M.(2023) Text-aided Group Decision-making Process Observation Method (x-GDP): a novel methodology for observing the joint decision-making process of travel choices. Transportation (Open access)

Parady, G., Axhausen K.W. (2023) Size Matters: The Use and Misuse of Statistical Significance in Discrete Choice Models in the Transportation Academic Literature. Transportation (Open access)

Han, C., Luo, L., Parady, G., Takami, K., Chikaraishi, M., Harata N. (2023) Modeling joint eating-out destination choices incorporating group-level impedance: A case study of the Greater Tokyo Area. Journal of Transport Geography 111, 103672

He, S., Sun, K., Luo, S., Lee, J., Parady G. (2023): The impacts of COVID-19 and social distancing on transport mode usage and travel satisfaction: Evidence from a transit-oriented city. Travel Behaviour and Society 33, 100617

Parady, G., Suzuki, K., Oyama, Y., Chikaraishi, M. (2023) Activity detection with Google Maps Location History data: factors affecting joint activity detection probability and its potential application on real social networks. Travel Behaviour and Society 30

Luo, L., Parady, G., Takami, K. (2022) Evaluating the Impact of Private Autonomous Vehicles on Activity-based Accessibility in Japanese Regional Areas: A Case Study of Gunma Prefecture Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 16, 100717 (Open Access)

Parady G., Frei, A., Kowald, M., Guidon, S., Wicki, M., van den Berg, P., Carrasco, J., Arentze, T., Timmermans, H., Wellman, B., Takami, K., Harata, N., Axhausen, K. (2021) A comparative study of social interaction frequencies among social network members in five countries. Journal of Transport Geography 90, 102934

Parady G., Ory, D., Walker, J.  (2021) The overreliance on statistical goodness of fit and under-reliance on validation in discrete choice models: A review of validation practices in the transportation academic literature . Journal of Choice Modelling 38, 100257 (Open Access)

Komazawa Y., Murayama H., Harata N., Takami K., Parady G. (2021) “Role of social support in the relationship between financial strain and frequency of exercise among older Japanese: A 19-year longitudinal study”. Journal of Epidemiology 31(4) 265 – 271 (Open Access)

Parady G., Takami K., Harata N. (2021) “Egocentric social networks and social interactions in the Greater Tokyo Area”. Transportation 48, pp. 831–856

Parady, G., Taniguchi, A., Takami, K. (2020) Travel behavior changes during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan: Analyzing the effects of risk perception and social influence on going-out self-restriction. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 7, 100181 (Open Access)

Troncoso Parady, G., Takami K., Harata N. (2019) Personal networks and social interactions in the Greater Tokyo Area: An exploratory analysis. Journal of JSCE 7(1) pp.193-206

Luo, L., Troncoso Parady, G., Takami, K. and Harata, N. (2019) Evaluating the Impact of Autonomous Vehicles on Accessibility using Agent-Based Simulation: A Case Study of Gunma Prefecture. Journal of JSCE  7(1) pp. 100-111

Parady G., Katayama, G., Yamazaki, H., Yamanami, T., Takami, K., Harata, N. (2019) Analysis of social networks, social interactions, and out-of-home leisure activity generation: Evidence from Japan. Transportation 46(3) pp 537–562

Troncoso Parady,G., Takami, K., Harata, N. (2017) Built environment and travel behavior: Validation and application of a continuous-treatment propensity score stratification methodJournal of Transport and Land Use 10(1)

Troncoso Parady, G., Hato, E. (2016) Accounting for spatial correlation in tsunami evacuation destination choice: A case study of The Great East Japan Earthquake. Natural Hazards, 84(2), 797-807. DOI: 10.1007/s11069-016-2457-z

Jana, A., & Harata, N. (2016). Provisioning health care infrastructure in communities: Empirical evidences from West Bengal, India. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 54, 37-46.

Troncoso Parady, G., Chikaraishi, M., Takami, K., Ohmori, N., Harata, N. (2015) On the effect of the built environment and preferences on non-work travel: Evidence from Japan. European Journal of Transportation and Infrastructure Research 15(1) pp.55-65

Troncoso Parady, G., Takami, K., Harata N. (2014)  Connection Between Built Environment and Travel Behavior: Propensity Score Approach Under a Continuous Treatment Regime. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2453(1) pp.137-144.

Jana, A., Harata, N., Takami, K. and Ohmori, N. (2014) Exploring the role of social interactions and supports in overcoming accessibility barriers while undertaking health tours in India, Social Work in Public Health, Vol.29, Issue 4, pp.350-367.

Troncoso Parady, G., Chikaraishi, M., Takami, K., Harata, N. (2014) A panel approach to understanding the effect of the built environment on travel behavior: A case study of the Kashiwanoha Area, Chiba, Japan . Urban and Regional Planning Review, 1, pp.18-38

Chen, B., Takami, K., Ohmori, N. and Harata, N. (2013) : Household Car and Motorcycle Ownership and Transaction Behavior through a Life-Course Approach – a Case in Taipei City, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.10, pp.567-585.

Seo, S.-E., N. Ohmori and N. Harata (2013) Effects of Household Structure and Accessibility on Travel, Transportation, Vol.40, Issue 4, pp.847-865.

Jana, A., and Harata, N. (2012) The need and role of companions in outpatient health trips in India: Altruism and activity support, Indian Journal of Positive Psychology, Volume – 3 (2012), Issue ? 4, pp- 345-352. (ISSN 2229-4937)

Mosa, A., N. Harata and N. Ohmori; Simultaneous Model for Household Interactions in Daily Activity, Information and Communication, and Social Behavior, Transportation Research Record 2135, pp.138-150, 2009.

Ohmori, N. and N. Harata, How Different Are Activities while Commuting by Train? ; A Case in Tokyo, Journal of Economic and Social Geography (TESG), Vol.99, No.5, pp.547-561,2008.

Ohmori, N., Hirano, T., & Harata, N. (2006). Meeting appointment and waiting behavior with mobile communications. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1977(1), 250-257.

Maruyama, T., & Harata, N. (2006). Difference between area-based and cordon-based congestion pricing: Investigation by trip-chain-based network equilibrium model with nonadditive path costs. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1964(1), 1-8.

Maruyama, T. and Harata, N.: Incorporating trip chaining behavior in network equilibrium analysis, Transportation Research Record, No. 1921, pp. 11-18, 2005.

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International Conference Articles 2004-Present

Parady, G., Chikaraishi, M., Oyama, Y. (2024) Optimization-enriched Interactive Street Network Design (i-SND): A novel methodology for human-centric urban transportation planning. Presented at Urban Transitions November 4-7

Pajarin, J.B., Takami K., Parady G. (2024) Optimizing Bicycle Lane Networks for Improved Cyclist Travel & Comfort inthe Presence of Vehicle Traffic: A Case Study in Pasig City. Presented at the 6th Bridging Transportation Researchers Conference, August 7-8

Parady, G., Oyama Y., Chikaraishi, M. (2024) Text-aided modelling of group decision-making processes: An application to eating-out destination choice. Presented at the 17th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, Vienna, Austria, July 14-18.

Oyama, Y., Murakami, S., Chikaraishi, M., Parady G. (2024) Designing Pedestrian Zones within City Center Networks Considering Policy Objective Trade-offs. Presented at the 103nd TRB Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. USA, January 7-11.

Parady, G., Chikaraishi, M., Oyama, Y.(2024) A Walker’s Paradise ain’t a Driver’s Hell: Evaluating the Causal Effect of Temporary Road Pedestrianization on Traffic Condition of Surrounding Roads. Presented at the 103nd TRB Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. USA, January 7-11.

Luo L., Portugal-Pereira J., Takami, K., Parady, G. (2023) The environmental impact of private automated vehicles in the context of car-dependent regions: A case study Gunma Prefecture, Japan. Presented at the 5th Bridging Transportation Researchers Conference, August 9-10.

Takizawa, T., Parady, G., Takami, K. (2023) Time series analysis of the effect of infection status and policy strength on the amount of leisure outings during the COVID-19 pandemic. Presented at the 5th Bridging Transportation Researchers Conference, August 9-10.

Parady, G., Oyama, Y., Chikaraishi M. (2023) Text-aided Group Decision-making Process Observation Method (x-GDP): A novel methodology for observing the joint decision-making process of travel choices. Presented at the 11th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), Zurich, Switzerland, September 6-8.

Parady, G., Axhausen K.W.(2023) Size Matters: The Use and Misuse of Statistical Significance in Discrete Choice Models in the Transportation Academic Literature. Presented at the 102nd TRB Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. USA, January 8-12

Parady, G., Axhausen K.W.(2023) Size Matters: The Use and Misuse of Statistical Significance in Discrete Choice Models in the Transportation Academic Literature. Presented at the 102nd TRB Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. USA, January 8-12

Luo, L., Parady, G., Takami, K. (2023) Evaluating the Impact of Automated Vehicles on Residential Location Distribution using Activity-based Accessibility: A Case Study of Japanese Regional Areas. Presented at the 102nd TRB Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. USA, January 8-12

Araki, M. (2022) “Replica Exchange MCMC Sampling to Infer Latent Class Model” Presented at the 26th HKSTS International Conference, Hong Kong, China, December 12-13. [HKSTS Outstanding Student Paper Award of 2022]

Parady, G., Oyama, Y., Chikaraishi M. (2022) Understanding the joint decision-making process of leisure destination choices: Exploring new methodologies. Presented at the 16th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, Santiago, Chile, December 11-15

Han, C., Luo, L., Parady, G., Takami, K., Chikaraishi, M., Harata N. (2022) Modeling joint eating-out destination choice incorporating group utility. Presented at the International Conference of Asian-Pacific Planning Societies 2022、August 18-20

Araki, M., Parady, G., Takami, K. (2022) Deterministic Annealing EM algorithm to Estimate Latent Class Model: An Application to Evacuation Behavior in the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. Presented at the 7th International Choice Modeling Conference, May 23-25

Kamijo, Y., Parady, G., Takami, K. (2021) Required simulated population ratios for valid assessment of shared autonomous vehicles with agent-based models.  Presented at the 3rd Bridging Transport Researchers conference, August 5-6

Suzuki, K., Oyama, Y., Chikaraishi, M., Parady, G. (2021) The effectiveness of using Google Maps Location History data to detect joint activities in social networks.  Presented at the 3rd Bridging Transport Researchers conference, August 5-6

Parady, G., Taniguchi, A., Takami, K. (2020) Analyzing Risk Perception and Social Influence Effects on Self-Restriction Behavior in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan: First Results. Presented at the 2nd Bridging Transport Researchers conference, August 11-12

Parady G., Frei, A., Kowald, M., Guidon, S., Wicki, M., van den Berg, P., Carrasco, J., Arentze, T., Timmermans, H., Wellman, B., Takami, K., Harata, N., Axhausen, K. (2020) “A comparative study of contact frequencies among social network members in five countries” To be presented at the 99th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. USA, January 12-16

Troncoso  Parady G., Ory, D., Walker, J. (2019) “The overreliance on statistical goodness of fit and under-reliance on empirical validation in discrete choice models: A review of validation practices in the transportation academic literature.” Presented at the 6th International choice modelling conference, Kobe, Japan, August 19-21.

Komazawa, Y., Murayama, H., and Harata N. (2018) “The relationship among financial strain, social support and daily physical activity in older Japansese” Presented at the Gerontological Society of America, Boston USA, November 14-18.

Troncoso Parady, G., Tran, B., and Gilmour S. (2018) “The effect of seawalls on tsunami evacuation departure time: A case study of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake”  Presented at the 97rd TRB Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. USA, January 7-11.

Fujigaki, Y.,  Takami, K., Troncoso Parady, G. and Harata, N. (2018) “The multi-cycle model: A modeling framework to evaluate MaaS contract schemes.” Presented at the 97rd TRB Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. USA, January 7-11.

Troncoso Parady, G., Loder, A., Axhausen KW. (2018) “Hetereogenous travel activity patterns in Japan: Accounting for inter-dependencies in mobility tool use.” Presented at the 97rd TRB Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. USA, January 7-11.

Komazawa, Y. (2017) “Development of methodology for creating social activities run by the elderly themselves” Presented at the APRU Ageing in the Asia-Pacific Workshop 2017 for Junior Gerontologists , Tokyo Japan, November 9-11.

Adachi, S., Harata, N., Takami, K., Koresawa, M.(2016) “Research on train operation stability by the installation of platform doors” Presented at the 15th International Conference on Railway Engineering Design and Operation, Madrid Spain, July 19-21.

Troncoso parady, G., Hato, E. (2016) Accounting for spatial correlation in tsunami evacuation destination choice: A case study of the Great East Japan Earthquake. To be Presented at the 95rd TRB Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. USA, January 10-14.

Ohmori, N., A. Kobayashi, K. Takami and N. Harata (2015) Troublesome Behavior in Public Transport and Satisfaction with Travel: An International Comparison of Six Countries, IATBR 2015, Windsor, UK, July 2015.

Troncoso Parady, G., Takami, K., Harata, N. (2014) The built environment-travel behavior connection: A propensity score approach under a continuous treatment regime. Presented at the 93rd TRB Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. USA, January 12-16.

Chen,B., Takami, K., Ohmori, N., Harata, N.(2013). Household Car and Motorcycle Ownership and Transaction Behavior through a Life-Course Approach – a Case in Taipei City Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.9, EASTS_ISC_D_13-00444 in Taipei, Taiwan on 9-12 September, 2013

Troncoso Parady, G., Chikaraishi, M., Takami, K., & Harata, N. (2013). A Panel Data Approach to Understanding the Effect of the Built Environment on Travel Behavior – A Case Study of the Kashiwanoha Area, Chiba, Japan – Proceedings on the 20th International Symposium on City Planning in Sendai, Japan on 22-24 August 2013

Troncoso Parady, G., Chikaraishi, M., Takami, K., Ohmori, N. & Harata, N. (2013). Regarding the effect of the built environment and individual preferences on travel behavior: A case study of the Kanto Region, Japan Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Transport Research, No.3020 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on 15-18 July 2013

Seo, S.-E., Ohmori N. and Harata N. (2013). Effects of Household Structure and Accessibility on Travel, Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 13-1873., 2013.1

Seo, S.-E., Ohmori N. and Harata N. (2013). Effects of Household Structure on Elderly Grocery Shopping Behavior in Korea, Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 13-2406, 2013.1

Jana, A., Ohmori  N. and Harata N. (2012). Choice Based on Accessibility & Social Determinants-A Case of Elderly Healthcare Decision and Health Trips in India, Proceedings of TRANSED 2012, 2012.9

Ariga, T., Aono, s., Ohmori N. and Harata N. (2012). Activity Management Using “Activity Rescheduler with Interactive Generation of Alternative Travel Opportunities”, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, 2012.7

Troncoso Parady, G., Takami, K., Ohmori, N. & Harata, N. (2012). “The Politics of Urban Transportation in the City of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic”, Proceedings of the 10th Conference of Asian City Planning, pp.10-16,2012.6

Jana A., Takami, K., Ohmori, N. & Harata, N. (2012). “Evaluation of accessibility to Primary Health Centers in rural areas of developing countries ? Case study: West Bengal, India”, Proceedings of the 10th Conference of Asian City Planning, pp.79-86,2012.6

Troncoso Parady, G., Ohmori, N. & Harata, N. (2012). Public space usership: Does the built environment matter? A case study of the historical center of Santo Domingo. Presented at the 49th International Making Cities Livable Conference, Portland Oregon. May 21 2012

Aono S., and Harata N. (2011). For a “Sustainable Commuting”: The Communication Efforts to Encourage Sustainable Travel Behavior and Residential Choice for the Freshmen of the University Campus, Proc. of the 11th International Congress of APSA, 2011.8

Huang  Q., and Harata N. (2011). Study on the Impact of Transport Infrastructure on China’s Economic Development, Proc. of the 11th International Congress of APSA, 2011.8

Seo, S.-E., N. Ohmori and N. Harata (2011). Effects of Household Structure and Mobility Changes on Going-Out Behavior of the Elderly in Korea, 90th TRB Annual Meeting, 2011.1.

Ohmori, N., S. Aono and N. Harata (2009). Why Are You Commuting Such a Long Distance? A Case of Bullet Train Commuters in Tokyo, IATBR-Jaipur, 2009.12.

Mosa, A., N. Ohmori and N. Harata (2010). Exploring the Impacts of In-Home Virtual Activities on Daily Activity and Travel Behavior: An Analysis Using Cairo Activity and Telecommunication Diary Data 2006, WCTR2010, Lisbon.

Mosa, A., N. Harata and N. Ohmori (2010). An Evolutionary Model for Household Interactions in Daily Activity Scheduling, WCTR2010, Lisbon.

Dirgahayani, P., N. Harata and N. Ohmori (2010). Evaluation of Intermodality Improvement in Increasing the Attractiveness of BRT System in Jakarta, Indonesia, WCTR2010, Lisbon.

Dirgahayani, P., N. Harata and N. Ohmori (2010). Identifying the Impact of Intermodality on Commute Mode Choice Using a Web-based Stated Preference Survey Instrument, CUPUM2009, 2009.

Mosa, A., N. Harata and N. Ohmori (2009). Simultaneous Model for Household Interactions in Daily In-Home and Out-of-Home Physical and Virtual Activity Participation, ICT Use, and Social Behavior, 88th TRB Annual Meeting CD-ROM, 2009.1

Mosa, A ., N. Harata N. Ohmori (2008). A Prototype Activity Based Scheduling Model with a Household Kernel Agent DASHA: Cairo a Case Study, Proceedings of ICTTS, 2008.08

Ohmori, N., T. Omatsu, S. Matsumoto, K. Okamura and N. Harata (2008). Passengers’ Waiting Behavior at Bus and Tram Stops, Proceedings of ICTTS, 2008.08

Aono, S., Takahashi, Y. Seto, N. Ohmori and N. Harata (2007). Development and Application of a Web Based Activity-Travel Simulator for Travel Feedback Program, Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management, CD-ROM.

Izumiyama, H., N. Ohmori and N. Harata (2007). Space-Time Accessibility Measures for Evaluating Mobility-Related Social Exclusion of the Elderly, Proceedings of TRANSED2007, CD-ROM

Harata N. & Aono S.(2007). Evaluation of Car Control Measures based on Internet- based Travel Survey System, G.M. Morrison and S. Rauch (eds.), Highway and Urban Environment: Proceedings of the 8th Highway and Environment Symposium, 91-101, 2007, Springer

Jiao, P., Harata, N.(2007)Residential location choice behavior for different households: methodology and case study in Dalian, China. Preprint CD-ROM of the 86th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., U.S.A., January, 2007

Ohmori, N., Nakazato, M., Harata N., Sasaki, K. and Nishii, K. (2006). Activity Diary Surveys Using GPS Mobile Phones and PDA, the 85th TRB Annual Meeting CD-ROM, 06-3039

Nakazato M., Ohmori, N., Aono, S., Maruyama, T., Harata, N. (2006). Internet GIS-Based Activity-Travel Simulator for Investigating Alternative Activity-Travel Patterns, presented at the 11th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Kyoto, August 2006

Mosa A., Harata, N., Heika, A. (2006). Approach to Assess the Social Exclusion Dimensions and Equity Impacts in the Community, Proceedings of ICTTS2006, pp.176-187, Xi’an, China, August, 2006

Dirgahayani, P. and Harata, N. (2006). Reforming Bus Service Provision and Manahgement Regime in Jakarta, Indonesia, Proceedings of ICTTS2006, pp.236-245, Xi’an, China, August, 2006

Jiao, P.,  Lu H.,  Harata N. (2006) Revised estimation of time-varying network origin-destination flows. Proceedings of ICTTS 2006, pp.496-508, Xi’an, China, August, 2006

Uchiyama, T., Maruyama, T., Harata N., (2006). Validating the Influence of Induced Traffic Using the Combined Travel Model and Person Trip Data, Proceedings of ICTTS 2006, pp.625-634, Xi’an, China, August, 2006

Rahaman, K., Ohmori, N., Harata, N. (2006). Evaluating Pedestrian’s Choice of Some Specific Facilities in Dhaka City, Proceedings of ICTTS2006, pp.730-738, Xi’an, China, August, 2006

Nakazato M., Ohmori, N.,  Aono S.,  Maruyama, T.,  Harata N., (2006) Development of a Web GIS-Based Activity-Travel Simulator for Travel Feedback Program, Proceedings of ICTTS2006, pp.920-928, Xi’an, China, August, 2006.

Aono, S., Ohmori, N., Harata, N.  (2006) Development of a Web-GIS Simulator for Holiday Non Work Activities, Proceedings of ICTTS2006, pp.959-967, Xi’an, China, August, 2006.

Jiao, P., Lu, H., Harata, N. (2006). Revised approaches for estimation of time-varying origin-destination flows in freeway corridors. Applications of Advanced Technology in Transportation Proceedings of AATT 2006, ASCE, Chicago, U.S.A., 548-553, August, 2006

Maruyama, T. and Harata, N. (2006). Difference between area-based and cordon-based congestion pricing: Investigation by trip-chain-based network equilibrium model with non-additive path costs, presented at Transportation Research Board 85th Annual Meeting,#06-0476,2006.1

Ohmori, N., Hirano, T, Harata, N. (2006) Meeting Appointment and Waiting Behavior with Mobile Communications, Transportation Research Board 85th Annual Meeting,#06-2566,2006.1

Ohmori, N., Nakazato, M., Harata N, Sasaki K., Nishii., K.  (2006). Activity Diary Surveys Using GPS Mobile Phones and PDA, Transportation Research Board 85th Annual Meeting,#06-3039,2006.1

Maruyama, T. and Harata, N.: Optimal job-housing location pattern in several Japanese cities: Considering modal split and congestion in network, Proceedings of International Symposium on City Planning 2005, pp. 159-171, 2005. 10.

Ohmori N., Nakazato, M., Harata, N. (2005) , GPS Mobile Phone-Based Activity Diary Survey, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.6, CD-ROM.

Rahaman, K., Ohmori, N., Harata N. (2005), Evaluation of the Roadside Walkway Environment of Dhaka City, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.6, CD-ROM.

Ohmori, N., Harata, N., Ohta, K. (2005), Two Applications of GIS-Based Activity-Travel Simulators, Timmermans H. (ed.), Progress in Activity-Based Analysis, pp.415-435, Elsevier, Oxford.

Harata (2005), Consistency of traffic simulation and travel behavior choice theory, Kitamura R and Kuwahara M (ed.), Simulation Approaches in Transportation Analysis, pp.325-339,Springer.

Maruyama, T. and Harata, N. (2005) Incorporating trip chaining behavior in network equilibrium analysis, Transportation Research Board 84th Annual Meeting, CD-ROM, #05-1085, 2005.1.

Aono, S., Ohmori, N., Harata, N. (2004) Development of an Internet-Based Travel Survey System, Proceedings of the International Symposium on City Planning 2004, pp.41-50.

Pradono, Ohmori, N., Harata, N. (2004) Incorporating Risks in the Conditions for PFI in Toll Road Projects: Indonesia Case, Proceedings of the International Symposium on City Planning 2004, pp.71-80.

Ohmori, N, Hirano, T., Harata, N., Ohta, K. (2004) Passengers’ Waiting Behavior at Bus Stop, Traffic and Transportation Studies: Proceedings of ICTTS 2004, pp.157-164.

Rahaman, K., Ohmori, N., Harata N. (2004) Research on Problems of Pedestrian Facilities in Dhaka City, Traffic and Transportation Studies: Proceedings of ICTTS 2004, pp.118-126.

Pradono, Ohmori, N., Harata, N. (2004) Towards Successful Conditions for PFI in Toll Road Projects: Indonesia Case, Traffic and Transportation Studies: Proceedings of ICTTS 2004, pp.43-52.

Ohmori, N., Muromachi, Y., Harata, N., Ohta, K. (2003).Simulation Model for Activity Planning (SMAP): GIS-based Gaming Simulation, Selected Proceedings from the 9th World Conference on Transport Research, CD-ROM, 2003.

Ohmori, N., Harata, N., Ohta, K. (2003). Development and Application of GIS-based System for Simulating Activity-Travel Patterns under Space-Time Constraints, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management, 2003.5, CD-ROM.

Muromachi, Y., Harata, N., Ohta, K. (2003) A Study On The Social Cost Of Illegal Behavior And Enforcement – The Case Of Bicycle Parking Behavior, Selected Proceedings of the 9th World Conference on Transport Research, CD-ROM, 2003.

Takami K., Harata, N., Ohta, K. (2003). A Study On Enhancement Of Neighborhood Centers For Reducing Car Use And Keeping Their Vitality: The Application Of Shopping Travel Behavior Model Considering Repeated Choices Of Destination, Selected Proceedings of the 9th World Conference on Transport Research, CD-ROM, 2003.

Maruyama, T., Harata, N., and Ohta, K. (2002). Estimation of user benefits of road investment considering induced traffic with combined network equilibrium model in Tokyo area, Proceedings of European Transport Conference 2002, CD-ROM(ATM-D-03), 2002.9.

Maruyama, T., Harata, N., and Ohta, K. (2002). An evaluation of road pricing policy considering both road and railway network congestion, Proceedings of International Symposium on Urban Planning 2002, 2002.8, A4-1-1.

Furutani, T.,  N.Harata and K. Ohta (2002) A study on commuting trip energy consumption reduction by job-housing reallocation in Tokyo Metropolitan Area, Proceedings of International Symposium on City Planning, 2002.8, B1-5-1-10.

Furutani, T., N.Harata and K. Ohta (2002). A Study on Mobility Gap of the Elderly Household in Tokyo Metropolitan Area, Traffic and Transport Studies, Proceedings of ICTTS, 2002, Vol. 3,(1),170-177

Maruyama, T., N.Harata, and K.Ohta (2002). An application of combined stochastic user equilibrium model to the Tokyo area: combined trip distribution, modal split and assignment model with explicitly distinct trip purposes, Traffic and Transportation Studies, Proceedings of ICTTS, 2002。Vol. 1, pp 746-753, 2002. 7

Ohmori, N., Muromachi, Y,. Harata, N,. Ohta., K. (2002). Analysis of Day-to-Day Variations of Travel Time Using GPS and GIS, Traffic and Transportation Studies, Proceedings of ICTTS 2002, 2002.7, 2, 1306-1313.

Ohmori, N., Muromachi, Y,. Harata, N,. Ohta., K. (2002). Simulation Model for Activity Planning (SMAP): GIS-based Gaming Simulation, Selected Proceedings of the 9th World Conference on Transport Research, 2002.

Furutani,T.,  Y.Muromachi, N.Harata and K.Ohta (2001). Development of mode and destination choice model using micro-scale spatial information, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 2001, 3(2), 203-216.

Furutani,T., Y.Muromachi, N.Harata and K.Ohta (2001). Mobility for the Poor in Bangkok Metropolitan Area, Selected paper in the 54th UITP World Congress, 2001, CD-ROM.

Maruyama,T., Y.Muromachi, N.Harata, and K.Ohta (2001). The combined modal split/assignment model in the Tokyo metropolitan area, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 2001, 4(2), 293-304.

Sasono,D., Y.Muromachi, N.Harata and K.Ohta (2000) New Developments and Urban Mobility in Jakarta Area、Proc.ICTTS2000、2000, 480-487

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Journal articles 2004-Present [In Japanese]

岡村幸樹, 大山雄己, 力石真, 髙見淳史, パラディ ジアンカルロス: 複数の意思決定主体者による会食場所選択のモデル化、都市計画論文集 59(3) 2024年10月

森 直之, 髙見 淳史, パラディ ジアンカルロス, 小泉 秀樹: 横浜市地域交通サポート事業の下での地域交通導入活動発生及び導入実現の要因に関する研究―横浜市金沢区における 地形を考慮した交通不便 地域 に着目して ― 、都市計画論文集 59(3) 2024年10月

森 直之, 髙見 淳史, パラディ ジアンカルロス, 地形を考慮したバス停へのアクセス評価に関する研究―横浜市金沢区を対象にしてー, 土木学会論文集, 2024, 80 巻, 2 号

森 隆慶, 荒木 雅弘, パラディ ジアンカルロス, 高見 淳史, 谷口 綾子. 新型コロナウイルス蔓延下での個人の外出自粛行動に対する社会的影響に関する研究 ―モバイル空間統計を活用して― 土木学会論文集D3(土木計画学)2023 年 78 巻 5 号 p. I_515-I_528

上条 陽, 藤垣 洋平, パラディ ジアンカルロス, 髙見 淳史, 原田 昇. 都市構造の差異に着目したシェア型自動運転サービスの影響評価 -人口全体の移動需要を考慮したシミュレーションを通じて-土木学会論文集2023 年 79 巻 2 号, 論文ID: 22-00244

力石 真, パラディ ジアンカルロス, 原田 昇, ディヒンギア スワルナリ, 高見 淳史. 社会ネットワークの内生的形成過程を記述する調査・モデル・シミュレーション手法の提案 土木学会論文集D3(土木計画学)2022 年 78 巻 4 号 p. 210-221

上条陽,パラディ ジアンカルロス,高見淳史.自動運転車の購入と自動運転サービスの利用に関する SP 調査と意向分析 交通工学論文集(特集号) 7(2) A_326-A_335 2021

駒沢行賓,原田昇,髙見淳史,Giancarlos TRONCOSO PARADY. 自動車利用可能性が高齢者の加齢に伴う外出活動低下に与える影響に関する分析―年齢,健康状態,歩行可能距離に基づく加齢指標を考慮して― , 土木学会論文集D3(土木計画学), 2019, 75 巻, 4 号, p. 221-232

上条陽,羅力晨,トロンコソ パラディ ジアンカルロス,高見淳史,原田昇.エージェントベースシミュレーションを用いた自動運転車普及シナリオの評価 交通工学論文集(特集号) 5(2) A_142-A_151 2019

田村祐貴,TRONCOSO PARADY Giancarlos,高見淳史,原田昇.地方都市におけるライドシェアのマッチング成立可能性と効果に関する研究 -群馬県パーソントリップ調査データを用いた分析- 交通工学論文集(特集号) 5(2) A_108-A_117 2019

高濱康,原田昇,高見淳史.「交差点マネジメント」の有効性に関する研究 -福島県郡山市における渋滞緩和策の効果に着目して- 交通工学論文集(特集号) 4(1) B_46-B_51 2018

藤垣洋平,高見淳史,トロンコソ パラディ ジアンカルロス,原田昇. 大都市圏向け統合モビリティサービスMetro-MaaSの提案と需要評価 -自動運転車によるオンデマンドバスと既存公共交通の将来的な統合を目指して-  都市計画論文集 52(3) 833-840 2017年10月

藤垣洋平,Giancarlos TRONCOSO PARADY,高見淳史,原田昇. 統合モビリティサービスの概念と体系的分析手法の提案. 土木学会論文集D3(土木計画学) 74(5) 2017

足立茂章, 高見淳史, 原田昇,  是澤正人. ホームドア導入における列車運行安定性に関する研究土木学会論文集 D3 (土木計画学) 73(1) 2017

小澤悠, 高見淳史,  原田昇.  都市計画マスタープランにみる多核連携型コンパクトシティの計画と現状に関する研究. 都市計画論文集, 52(1), 10-17, 2017


山崎敦広,高見淳史,力石真,大森宣暁,原田昇: 居住のメリット・デメリットの提示に着目した居住集約化誘導方策に関する基礎的研究 -SP調査に基づく個人の居住地選好の分析- 都市計画論文集   50(1) 20-27,2015

藤垣洋平,高見淳史,大森宣暁,原田昇:大都市圏郊外の住宅団地を対象とした高利便性の定額制乗合タクシーの成立可能性に関する分析 -岐阜県多治見市の住宅団地におけるケーススタディ-,都市計画論文集,49,No.3,2014

藤垣洋平,高見淳史,大森宣暁,原田昇:送迎バスとの代替性に着目した商業施設協力型路線バスの成立可能性に関する分析 -埼玉県三郷市を中心的な事例として-,都市計画論文集,Vol.47,No.3,pp.337-342, 2012

山崎敦広,高見淳史,大森宣暁,原田昇:個人のライフスタイルと将来居住地選好に関する基礎的研究,都市計画論文集,Vol.47,No.3,pp.349-354, 2012

有賀敏典, 松橋啓介, 青野貞康, 大森宣暁:交通手段転換と勤務時間帯の変更を同時に考慮したモビリティ・マネジメント, 土木学会論文集D3, Vol.67, NO.5, pp.I_1157-I_1164, 2011

有賀敏典,青野貞康,大森宣暁,原田昇:Webベースの活動交通シミュレーターを用いた時差勤務制度に対する意向分析,交通工学,Vol.46,No.4,pp.46-55, 2011

諏訪嵩人,高見淳史,大森宣暁,原田昇,自転車共同利用システムの計画手法に関する基礎的研究 -システムの利用可能性を考慮した供給要素の検討- ,土木計画学研究・論文集27,pp863-870,2010


牧浩太郎,高見淳史,原田昇,低・未利用地の高度利用を目的とした土地区画整理事業の便益計測手法に関する研究, 都市計画論文集 No.45-3,pp.61-66,2010

高橋理、高見淳史、大森宣暁、原田昇: 郊外駅周辺地区への転居予定者の生活交通行動意向とタウン情報提供の効果に関する分析,都市計画学会論文集、pp.781-786, 2008

大森宣暁, 中里盛道, 青野貞康, 円山琢也, 原田昇:WebGISを活用した交通行動自己診断システムの開発とトラベル・フィードバック・プログラムへの適用, 土木学会論文集D, Vol.64, No.1, pp.55-64, 2008

原田昇, 大森宣暁, 泉山浩志:交通に係る社会的排除の評価手法に関する研究, 交通工学, Vol.41, No.2, pp.42-49, 2006

高見淳史,原田昇、イングランドの地方交通計画に基づく財源配分システムの実態・問題点と改善の方向、土木計画学研究・論文集 No.23,pp.693-700,2006

中村敦, 大森宣暁, 原田昇:小学生の自転車安全教育における手法とその効果に関する研究, 都市計画論文集, Vol.41-3, 2006

古川雄一, 円山琢也, 原田昇: ロードプライシング実施時の貨物輸送の変化に関する研究, 土木学会論文集, No.807/IV-70, pp.11-20, 2006

留守洋平, 大森宣暁, 原田昇:自転車通勤の推進に関する研究:自動車から自転車への手段転換に着目して, 土木計画学研究・論文集22, No.3, pp.551-557, 2005

村上岳司, 大森宣暁, 原田昇:旅行時間信頼性の高い公共交通の導入による利用者の活動スケジュール変化, 土木計画学研究・論文集22, No.3, pp.559-567, 2005

板谷和也,原田昇, フランスPDUにおける合意形成過程, 土木計画学研究・論文集, 第22巻第1号, pp183-188,2005. 内山岳大, 円山琢也, 原田昇: 誘発交通を考慮した統合需要モデルの逆予測による精度評価, 都市計画論文集, No. 40-3, pp. 355-360, 2005

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